Monday, May 18, 2009

Sweater love

Alright, i have been a busy little wooly bully working on a gorgeous yarn for a new sweater. Not to give the proverbial farm away but it will have cashmere silk in it, plus a wonderful heathered yarn. Yeah!

And i've got to tell you guys, i know you're eager for some new stuff on, so i will deliver!

The sweater i'm working on will be a wear anywhere pullover. The type of sweater that can go with anything, do anything, and love you to infinity. This one is true Luxurious Functional, truly Moa! It will be finished within 2 weeks, so just hang out with me.

Meanwhile, I will have some new things posted--a few cowls (one can never have enough, they're a terrific daily accessory!), a cute hoodie shrug (only 79.00!), and more, all knitted in a wonderful soft palette of creamy colors such as cream, gray and olive.

Have a great start to the week, here's to you! (raising mug of coffee)


Christi said...

"Here's to you! (raising mug of coffee)" made me laugh out loud and then smile big. The visual. I could so see you raising your mug. xoxo

Moa HandKnits said...

Hey Christi, now you know back in our day that would be a giant beer! LOL, no more for me, but hey, coffee suffices. :)

eager to know how the new space is going!

XOXO, JoAnne

Homestead Wool & Gift Farm said...

I will skip the coffee and raise you a Diet Coke- how is that?? ;0) Can't wait to see your new creations- smooches from the sheep!